
March 7, 2018
Fitness here I come!

Hello there! As I already mentioned, I plan on creating a fitness magazine. Because I chose to do this, I conducted a profound amount of research which allowed me to conclude the following: they usually emphasize on health and beauty, exercise, and nutrition. They also incorporate many tutorials or incentives to promote that magazine.

After analyzing all of this information I decided that I need to create a cover page that will generate an astounding amount of attention. This will not only be visually appealing to the eye of the reader, but will be a form of promotion and will attract a greater amount of costumers.

All in all, I want a magazine that has bold colors such as red to create that "pop" sense to my magazine. Although I'm still confused as to who I want the protagonist of my cover image to me! I'm not sure if I want to utilize myself or someone else. 

After all this research I was only able to determine that I want I want a font and color scheme that pops... oops! Maybe next blog I'll be less confused and have more certainty for you guys! 


The Best and Worst Fitness Magazines of 2015. 


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